Green Jewellery Warranty


A better tomorrow for everyone

The unlimited growth paradigm continues to be the preferred model, even the only one, globally. However, it is still possible to embark on the path towards a new development model, if we react by synergistically pursuing shared objectives.

The concept of circular economy is gaining more and more attention, suggesting innovative approaches to address the growing scarcity of resources and environmental criticalities linked to the linear economic model. Appreciated by businesses and civil society in general, it offers economic, environmental, social and ethical opportunities determined by the reduction of consumption of material and energy resources

“The environmental crisis is a global problem,
and only global action will resolve it”

Barry Commoner


A guarantee
for the future

Founded in 2022, Green Jewellery Warranty is a certification company with the aim of promoting the sustainable management and use in a circular economy of the metals subject to certification deriving from recovery and refining/purification and intended for the creation of jewellery products, jewellery, silverware, watches, costume jewellery and fashion accessories and jewels also for investment purposes.


Green vision

We believe in responsible business and in the possibility of creating a production capable of not causing harm to people or to the planet thanks to the use of metals from a circular economy. GJW certified product is a guarantee of a purchase deriving from a supply chain with industrial processes monitored in compliance with environmental regulations, where the conditions of workers comply with international regulations on the protection of workers’ rights.